What We Know:
Family name:
Given name: Heinz
Date/place of birth: 2. August 1931, Sondershausen
Date/place of death: Exact date of death unknown
Age:  11 years old at deportation

Heinz Simon was born on the 2nd of August 1931 in Sondershausen, Thüringen. He was the only child of Siegfried (06.11.1892) and Rosa (geb. Edelmuth, 27.05.1897) Simon. Siegfried had come to Sondershausen in 1903 with his parents, Samuel and Sara (geb. Kirchheimer) Simon, and siblings Max, Margarethe, and Arthur.

Rosa, who was born and raised in Beuern in Hesse, came  to Sondershausen — about 200 km to the northeast — as a young woman; the 1925 Einwohnerbuch entry has her living at Lohstrasse 26/27, the buildings owned by the Simons. Siegfried and Rosa married in 1930.

Lohstrasse 26/27 in 1930, photo from Sondershausen State Archive

In January 1933 when the Nazi Regime began, Heinz Simon’s immediate world included one grandparent, his grandmother Sara Simon (geb. Kirchheimer), great aunts and uncles on Sara Simon’s birth family of Kirchheimers, and aunts and uncles from both Siegfried’s and Rosa’s families.

Photograph of Siegfried, Heinz and Rosa Simon (Right) sitting with Arthur and Ruth Simon (left) in 1936. Photo from Ruth Zimmermann Collection

Heinz Simon, his mother Rosa (geb. Edelmuth) Simon, and his father, Siegfried Simon, were deported together on the 10th of May 1942 to Bełzyce Ghetto.

Arolsen Archives,  754200102 Heinz Simon
Arolsen Archives, 128450609 Heinz Simon

Stolpersteine were  laid for the family of three, Siegfried, Rosa and Heinz, at Lohstrasse 26/27 in Sondershausen.

Stolpersteine laid for the Simon family at Lohstrasse 26/27, Siegfried, Rosa and Heinz