What We Know:
Family name: Krimmer
Given name: Johanna
Date/place of birth: 08. August 1882, Liegnitz, Silesia
Date/place of death: Exact date of death unknown
Age: 60 years old at deportation
Johanna Krimmer was born the 8th of August 1882 in Liegnitz, Silesia. Information about her family, including parents or siblings, is unknown. Another Krimmer family resided in Liegnitz around the same time Johnna was born; however, a connection between this family and Johanna cannot be confirmed.
We do not know when or why Johanna moved to Bad Liebenstein; In the 1930s, only half a dozen Jews lived there. It is also unknown when exactly Johanna moved to Bad Liebenstein. The first recorded date of her living in the town is 1934, when she is listed in the Bad Liebenstein Einwohnerbuch, identified as a Kontoristin living at Wiesenstraße. 15.
In 1938, she is identified in the Einwohnerbuch as a Sekretärin living at the same address as in 1934, now named Straße der SA. 15. Eine Spur von Johanna Krimmer. 1934 Bad Liebenstein Einwohner Buch
On the 14th of October 1941 Johanna Krimmer applied to be exempt from wearing the Jewish star symbol. This is documented in an excerpt from Hans Nothnagel’s book below:
On May 10th 1942, Johanna was deported from Bad Liebenstein to Belzyce Ghetto. She was the only person deported from Bad Liebenstein on this transport; she was approximately 60 years old.

Deportation from Weimar (via Leipzig and Chemnitz) to the ghetto Bełżyce (1st partial transport), 1942.05.10, 7.5.4/ 128450735, 128450577/ ITS Digital Archive, Arolsen Archives
Hans Nothnagel, ,,Die Vertreibung der Liebensteins aus Bad Liebenstein: eine Dokumentation, Hans Nothnagel (Hg.): Juden in Südthüringen – geschützt und gejagt. Bd. 6. Suhl 1999 S. 125-156.