What We Know:
Family name:
Given name: Eva
Date/place of birth: 13 May 1912, Hamburg
Date/place of death: Exact date of death unknown
Age: 30 years old at deportation

Eva Lichtenstein was born 13 May 1912 in Hamburg.

Very little is known about Eva’s life or family. There are not records indicating what her life was like before 1933 or during the years before her deportation in 1942 from Krimderode.

Also deported with Eva from Krimderode was Rosamarie Lichtenstein, born 10 December 1937. Where Rosemarie was born is unknown. It is documented that she lived in Nordhausen and Krimderode before deportation in 1942. Rosemarie was only four years old when she was deported to Belzyce. It can be assumed that Eva was Rosemarie’s mother, although this is not confirmed in any documentation .

On 10 May 1942, Eva and Rosemarie were deported from Krimderode to Belzyce Ghetto. Their last known address was Gartenstraße. 2.

Arolsen Archives –128450741

There is no indication of Eva’s fate after deportation to Belzyce other than a Bundesarchiv Memorial Book record stating her location of death as Belzyce Ghetto.

As such a young child, unable to work,  Rosemarie was separated from Eva and transferred from Belzyce to Majdanek concentration camp where she was killed.

That is all we know about Eva and Rosemarie and sadly we know these traces from the transport list.

There are no stolpersteine laid for Eva or Rosemarie Lichtenstein. They were both murdered in the Holocaust.