What We Know:
Family name: Wertheim
Birth name: Adler
Given name: Ida
Date/place of birth: 26. January. 1885, Bremke, Lower Saxony
Date/place of death: Exact date of death unknown
Age: 57 years old at deportation
Ida (née. Adler) Wertheim was born on the 26th of January 1885 in Bremke, Germany. She was the daughter of Nathan (13.07.1847) and Emma (02.11.1861, née. Heilbrunn) Adler, and sister of Hugo Adler, Selma (née. Adler) Löwenberg and Fanny Adler.
Ida married Paul Wertheim (05.10.1885), they had three children together, a son, Heinz (26.06.1921) and twin daughters, Senta and Erna (21.08.1922).
Paul Wertheim was arrested on November 10th 1938 and sent to Buchenwald concentration camp until his release in December of 1938. Upon his release, Paul was required to work as a Reichsbahn worker.
In 1940, Paul and Ida attempted to apply to emigrate out of Germany with no success.
In 1941, Paul was arrested once again, and sent to Buchenwald concentration camp. On the 12th of March 1942, Paul was deported to Bernburg a. d. Saale, Tötungsanstalt. This was one of multiple former mental hospitals used as a euthanasia centres under National Socialist Germany. People from concentration camps as well as people with mental and physical disabilities were killed at these facilities by doctors and medical staff. Paul Wertheim was murdered in Bernburg a. d. Saale, Tötungsanstalt sometime between the 12th and the 23rd of March 1942.

Ida, and her twin daughters Erna and Senta were deported to Belzyce Ghetto on May 10th 1942 from the town of Hüpstedt. .

Ida’s son, Heinz Wertheim, married Ruth Zielenziger on the 5th of August 1942 in Amersfoort, Netherlands. Soon after their marriage, Heinz was sent to Auschwitz Monowitz in 1943. Ruth gave birth to their son Paul Friedrich Wertheim on the 6th of May 1943, in Westerbork transit camp. Paul lived for 52 days in Westerbork camp where he died on the 26th of June 1943. Heinz was documented as dead in Auschwitz Monowitz on the 3rd of December 1943. Ruth survived the war.

Senta managed to survive Belzyce Ghetto, but was later deported to Majdanek concentration camp where she died on the 11th of August 1944.