MÖHRA: Berta KLAR, eng 1882-

What We Know:
Family name: 
Given name: Berta
Date/place of birth: 27. May 1882, Stadtlengsfeld/Thüringen
Date/place of death: Exact date of death unknown
Age:  60 years old at deportation

We know almost nothing about Berta Klar. She was born on 27 May 1882 in Stadtlengsfeld/Thuringia. She was single and in 1942 lived at Bahnhofstrasse 44 in the village. She was deported to the Bełżyce Ghetto on May 10th 1942.

That’s all we know about them and unfortunately these facts come from the transport lists.

Arolsen Archives, 128450766 – BERTA KLAR


Arolsen Archives, 128450601 – BERTA KLAR

Otherwise we have few hints. One lead is that she may have been related to  a “J. Klar.” Around 1900 there was a local manufactory shop run by a J. Klar. In 1924, two Jewish residents were counted in Möhra, “probably the Klar couple.” Was Berta the daughter of J. Klar?

On 8 May 1942, Berta Klar left Möhra; she was the only Jewish person deported that day. Bertha was also the only Jewish person who was ever deported from Möhra.